Silicon Metal Weekly Review

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<!-- c_start --> This week, the domestic silicon metal market fell sharply. Due to the long-term dislocation of supply and demand in the market, the spot inventory is loose and the recovery of downstream demand is not obvious, the supply side gradually forms pessimistic expectations. The price of downstream products is also weak this week. The prices of polysilicon, organic silicon and aluminum alloys have all been lowered. The profit pressure of terminal enterprises has been transmitted to the cost side, resulting in a sharp price reduction in raw material bidding and procurement. The contradiction between the supply and demand of metal silicon is fierce. , the two sides fell into a stalemate game situation. As of Friday, the sentiment of silicon factories being closed and reluctance to sell is strong, and market inquiries and transactions are sluggish. According to the current supply and demand relationship, it is predicted that the silicon metal market will remain weak next week.

In stock
  This week, the spot market price maintained a downward trend. During the week, metallurgical-grade metal silicon fell by 400-600 yuan, chemical-grade silicon fell by 600 yuan, and non-grade silicon fell by 200 yuan. The decline in the first half of the week was more obvious. Seeing that there was no upward support in the market outlook, the manufacturers fell into a pessimistic situation, quoted low prices one after another, and scrambled to sell goods to realize cash. However, after the price reduction, the transaction situation did not improve much. The market gradually realized that no matter the quotation was high or low, the shipment situation was not ideal. Then in the second half of the week, manufacturers gradually began to close their orders. The market transaction was few and the quotation activity was sluggish. The market returned to the supply and demand sides again. Both are stalemate in a wait-and-see state, and the market clarity is not high. On March 17, according to website monitoring, the mainstream port price of 553 without oxygen was 16,200-16,400 yuan/ton, which was 500 yuan lower than last Friday; the delivery price of 441 mainstream ports was 17,100-17,400 yuan/ton, which was a drop from last Friday 500 yuan; 3303 mainstream port delivery price is 17,500-17,800 yuan/ton, which is 400 yuan lower than last Friday; 97 and other mainstream out-of-silicon factory tax-included cash is 13,200-14,000 yuan/ton, which is 200 yuan lower than last Friday; The mainstream port delivery price of chemical grade silicon metal is 17,800-18,000 yuan/ton, which is 600 yuan lower than last Friday.
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